UNIX operating systems are used in widely-sold workstation products from Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, IBM, and a number of other companies. The UNIX 17 Operating System : An Overview environment and the client/server program model were important elements in the development of the Internet and the reshaping of computing as centered in networks rather than in individual computers. Linux, a UNIX derivative available in both “free software” and commercial versions, is increasing in popularity as an alternative to proprietary operating systems.
UNIX is written in C. Both UNIX and C were developed by AT&T and freely distributed to government and academic institutions, causing it to be ported to a wider variety of machine families than any other operating system. As a result, UNIX became synonymous with “open systems”.
UNIX is made up of the kernel, file system and shell (command line interface). The major shells are the Bourne shell (original), C shell and Korn shell. The UNIX vocabulary is exhaustive with more than 600 commands that manipulate data and text in every way conceivable. Many commands are cryptic, but just as Windows hid the DOS prompt, the Motif GUI presents a friendlier image to UNIX users. Even with its many versions, UNIX is widely used in mission critical applications for client/server and transaction processing systems. The UNIX versions that are widely used are Sun’s Solaris, Digital’s UNIX, HP’s HP-UX, IBM’s AIX and SCO’s UnixWare. A large number of IBM mainframes also run UNIX applications, because the UNIX interfaces were added to MVS and OS/390, which have obtained UNIX branding. Linux, another variant of UNIX, is also gaining enormous popularity.
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