Distinguish between a foreground and a background process in UNIX. need to maintain each process

1) Distinguish between a foreground and a background process in UNIX.

1) Every process has a parent which invoked it. In the UNIX environment, the parent can wait for the child to complete after invoking it (foreground child process) or continue in a ready state (background child process). 

2) Identify the information which must be maintained by the operating system for each live process.

 2) For each process, the operating system needs to maintain 
 • id information - process id, parent process id 
 • summary status - blocked, ready, running, swapped to disk 
 • owner information - user id, group id 
 • scheduling info - priority, nice value, CPU usage 
 • location info - resident or not, memory areas allocated 
 • state info - register values (instruction pointer etc.), stack, resources like open files etc. 

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