Difference between mutex and semaphore

Mutex and Semaphore


Difference Between Mutex and Semaphore


Mutex is a program object which allows multiple processes take turns to share the same resource. In contrast, semaphore is a variable used to control access to a common resource by multiple processes in a concurrent system such as a multitasking operating system. Thus, this is the fundamental difference between mutex and semaphore.


Importantly, the main difference between mutex and semaphore is that the mutex is a locking mechanism, while the semaphore is a signaling mechanism.


Besides, the mutex is an object whereas semaphore is an integer variable.


Also, mutex has no categorization, while semaphores are categorized as binary and counting semaphores.


Furthermore, if the mutex is locked, the process that requests the lock waits until the system releases the lock. On the other hand,  if the semaphore value is 0, the process perform wait() operation until the semaphore becomes greater than 0.


Moreover, a process uses acquire() and release() to access and release the mutex, whereas process use wait() and signal() to modify semaphore. Hence, this is another difference between a mutex and semaphore.


In brief, mutex and semaphore are two mechanisms to synchronize the functionality of multiple processes. The main difference between mutex and semaphore is that the mutex is a locking mechanism, while the semaphore is a signaling mechanism. Thus, the semaphore is more sophisticated than mutex.

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